Saturday 25 January 2014

I was shocked at how healthy my bowel movements have been since I arrived in Jakarta. I had read up that the City was hard on guts. I was shocked right up to the point two days ago when I was taking a pee first thing in the morning and a surprise jet of shit blasted out across the bathroom behind me. Things have been along those lines ever since.
Tonight I went out with my housemate and a couple of students to see pretty much the worst film I have ever seen in my life. One of the guys we saw it with was crying after an emotional scene which I can't even remember. Everyone here seems to listen to One Direction. When we were driving down in the car both students (who are young men) were playing an album and singing along to the words. They asked me if One Direction were popular in the UK and I said that I honestly couldn't think of a single young man who listens to them. I thought it was listened to exclusively by young girls but apparantly that isn't the case the world over.
Afterwards we visited Jakarta's only landmark the 'Monas' and I'll include a picture of us all in front of it. You can just see the monument poking out from behind some traditional masked figures which everyone insisted should be included in the photo. Then we went out to eat and I had my first taste of Durian fruit, which tastes like feet smeared with cheesy fish, and some banana chocolate cheese bread which tasted exactly as it sounds.
I start teaching properly on Monday which is a fairly daunting and nerve racking prospect but I'm trying to play it as cool as possible. Wish me luck. 


  1. Good Luck, tomorrow. Remember, first day in the classroom... lesson plan, board pens, post it notes and butt plug.

  2. Board pens! Post-it notes! I thought you were a techie!!! Interactive Smartboards - that's the way to go. Remember they're the ones who are supposed to be working. Hope it's going well. If not, just pretend - it fools most people. Great photo!
